「GADV Hypothesis on the Origin of Life」が発刊されました
当研究所の池原健二博士が生命の起源に関する「GADVタンパク質ワールド仮説」の本「GADV Hypothesis on the Origin of Life -Life emerged in this way!?-」をドイツのLambert社から英語版で出版しました。以前、池原博士が京大出版から出版した日本語版「GADV仮説 生命起源を問い直す」にさらに最近の考えを入れ込んだ本です。ぜひ大勢の皆様に御覧いただきたく思いますので、ご興味のある方は当研究所にご連絡ください。ちなみに、本の価格は、39ユーロです。
Part I: Exploring the Origin of Life
Chapter I-0: Grounds, under which organisms can live and survive
Chapter I-1: General Approach for Study on the Origin of Life (Bottom-up Approach)
Chapter I-2: RNA World Hypothesis
Chapter I-3: GADV Hypothesis on the Origin of Life (Top-down Approach)
Chapter I-4: The Riddle on the Life-Origin could be resolved by Comparison of Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches
Part II: Life emerged and evolved in this Way !?
Chapter II-1: From Birth of the Earth to Formation of [GADV]-protein World
Chapter II-2: Establishment of the First Genetic System and in the Emergence of Life
Chapter II-3: Evolution of the First Genetic System to the Modern System
Chapter II-4: Evidence supporting GADV Hypothesis
A-0. General
A-1. Gene
A-2. Genetic code
A-3. Protein
A-4. Origin of Life
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